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sunny 33 °C


Our journey to the Inkaterra Haceienda Conception Lodge in the Amazon Jungle begin with an early rise for the airport. We were surprised that our journey was as long as it was but it was a pleasant couple of flights on a Star Peru BAE146. Our first leg to Cusco was 1.5 hours. We didn’t get off the plane because we had a short 30 minute stopover before proceeding to Puerto Maldonado. I was so delighted that I could breath in Cusco because I have this phobia that I won’t be able to breath at all in the thin air (due to the extreme altitude at 12,000 feet). Now I feel better about our upcoming stay there even if it was only a little test.

Puerto Maldonado seems to be the point of access for all the Amazon lodges in the area but the town itself looks very rundown hosting a large prison right in the middle. We were barely there at all before boarding our boat and taking a quick 25 minute jaunt down the river, a tributary of the larger Amazon.

We had been warned that the Amazon would be the only warm spot on our trip and that it would be extremely hot and humid for hiking so we were completely surprised that it felt like a Newfoundland summer on a bad day. Cold and wet. Thankfully, the rain stopped before our first hike and after the first day, it got warm and beautiful. The reason we chose to do Peru in the winter is that it is normally extremely dry however the locals tell us that el Niño is really affecting the weather in ways similar to what we have seen here.

When we arrived at the tiny airport, this is what we saw.


When we pulled up to camp, we saw a medic sitting in a boat. We wondered if we should be worried…..not really.


Our rooms are located in the main lodge. Supposedly the cabanas are nicer but I just love my little perch outside my room. We are completely screened in so no bugs at all.


Upon arrival we met our guide for our stay and were given our very busy schedule. Our first hike started at 2:30 and was 1.5 to 2 hours. At 6:30 was the night boat ride where we scouted the river banks for night creatures. We saw caiman and a large group of capybaras who are giant rodents.


This morning started with a wake up call at 5am and a 6am boat ride which begin our 5 hour excursion. The hike was only 3 kilometers in and 3 kilometers out so I was surprised to have read that it was a difficult walk where people got injured. To be honest, I think if there hadn’t just been three days of rain, it would have been relatively simple but there was three days of rain and it was not simple. We set off in rubber boots and were almost immediately in slippery mud up to the ankles. It was crazy and we were filthy. Once we walked in, we took canoes for a beautiful paddle around lake looking for birds and caiman before braving the walk back out. I should have known I was doomed when I started taking pictures of one of the girls who had her boot stuck in the mud. When I was almost done, my boot got stuck but I kept going doing a major face plant into the mud. It was gross but other than a bruised knee and foot, I am fine.


After tormenting for 2 days and asking one billion questions to the group who is a day ahead of us, I decided to do the next excursion, a canopy walk on swinging bridges 100 feet off the ground. I have no idea why I feel the need to do this shit when heights absolutely terrify me. But I was feeling the pressure and the cheers from the other group were encouraging. I decided my FOMO is way worst that my FOH. That means my fear of missing out was wrestling hard with my fear of heights….and the fear of missing out won. Well, I did it. I was terrified and I am not sure I could say I had fun but I didn’t miss anything. Isaac did great although he was also terrified. He was very excited to go, expecting them to be more like the ones in Costa Rica (not bad when at 17 you have jungle bridges from various countries to reference) however he is reporting that these are Indian Jones jungle bridges. In any case, we have survived.


The view looking up from the ground.


We did decide to skip the last excursion, a night hike, in favour of massages.

We have had a great couple of days here and Isaac’s scouting skills are showing up in his rowing, his hiking and his love of nature. I am also giving credit to his amazing Earth System’s teacher this year, Tina McDonald who sparked an interested in so many things about this earth that we have seen firsthand in the past two days. Isaac figures she would love it here.

So, although we were told we would have limited electricity and no wifi or cell service, we actually have electricity more often than not, and with that comes wifi. All the same, we have really detached with barely a minute to spare. It is all about to all shut down so I must attempt to post before it is too late.

We are off to Cusco in the morning for more fun and adventure.

A white caiman


Oh I have taken up Instagram. Isaac has been after me forever and Tara showed me photo grid. I am so proud of myself. Follow me. I am

Posted by curlygirl 19:20 Archived in Peru Tagged bridges peru mud amazon canopy

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Looks awesome!

by Bonnie

I love the birds!! And you look sooo proud of yourself on the bridge! lol! Keep whacking the mosquito repellent on.

by Shirley

Shelley you don't look scared at all.. have a great trip..

by Kathy

What an awesome looking adventure!!!

by Susan

Glad to know all is well. Isaac you are so brave, love you,not your fault your mama is a crazy lady. Love the boots and so love the bird picture. Stay safe and well. All is good T home xo

by Sharon Bailey

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