08.04.2017 - 20.04.2017
26 °C
on curlygirl's travel map.
As always, as I make my way home from a spectacular trip, these are the things I want to remember.
1. The people are warm, friendly and inviting. A smile with a “salam”, “ bonjour” or “hello” is almost always returned.
2. The tea. The first welcome in a hotel, a home or a shop. It comes in many forms but the most traditional is the mint tea, poured beautifully, with care and almost always too much sugar. The base is Chinese Green Tea, shotgun, meaning hand rolled so it opens in boiling water ensuring it can’t be dried and reused.
3. The incredible climate, sunshine, heat without humidity (except in Essaouira where it is humid).
4. The food, always made with fresh ingredients and served piping hot with subtle spices. Besides good eating, the added bonus is no bad bellies.
5. Fresh squeezed orange juice every morning. I could pass on the rest of the bread laden breakfast. So many forms of bread would arrive on my plate each morning.
6. The beautiful faces of the Moroccan people with the wonderful bone structure and big brown eyes.
7. The beautiful faces of the beautiful men.
8. The wonderful people who allowed us to come into their homes and photograph them. And Darren, for making that happen. Especially for the hospitality they showed us.
9. The people of El Khorbat, for their music and the hospitality. Especially the women who made me feel like I was part of their community.
10. The hustle and bustle of life inside the medinas. Even in Marrakech where it was especially crazy.
11. The amazing accommodations that were charming, traditional and unique.
12. The beautiful colours everywhere and well represented in the Berber carpets.
13. The pussy cats who inspired me in Essaouira.
14. Inshallah. The word that follows everything. “You will come back to my shop, inshallah”, “I will return to Morocco, inshallah”. God willing.
15. The lulling sound of the call to prayer over the loud speakers of the mosque. Except at 4:30 am when the Iman decides to keep it going too long.
16. Riding camels into the desert.
17. Languages. So many people speak so many languages. Many people spoke Arabic (or their local dialect), French and English. Many, in the tourist industry, spoke 5+, adding the formal Arabic they learn in school, Spanish and German. Impressive.
18. Morocco is a major destination for families. Lots of Germans and French.
Until next time, Inshallah
Posted by curlygirl 14:41 Archived in Morocco Tagged the in sun el morocco images kasa korbut
Wonderful recollections of what must have been another amazing experience. Thank you for sharing these experiences with us. Safe journey onward Shelley. ...xo
by Cathy